Monday, June 13, 2011

It Takes Two

My dear friend JP invited me onto a beta site of a great new social networking thingamy called this last week and my whole life has been flipped on its pip. I have been known to be a bit of a music junkie but this site has made my addiction a total obsession. You get to DJ people, with other people, real people, and chat and share new music. It's better than karaoke and anyone who knows me knows how hard it is to get the microphone off me when that whole things a going on. Best of all, the Monica Geller in me is totally enthralled. You get voted on for your music. So you get points as a DJ and the more points you get, the cuter, funkier, more intimidating you can make your avatar.

So in my short lifespan on the site I have accumulated 186 DJ points and strut my stuff as Mammacass which I find quite hilarious. The site works on the same principle as chat rooms so you get to choose who you hang out with which can be bloody intimidating - especially since it is a beta test site at the moment and full to overflowing with very very clever IT developer types, including the very boffins who write all the code for Twitter, Facebook, Google and so on - and they all have kicking music collections.

I have consequently found myself sticking to what I know. "Retired Hippies" draws my attention on a regular basis which is strictly late 60's and 70's music and yes, they do get tense if you get the dates wrong! "Cmon in" is fabulous for anything goes and there is a very sociable gang of regulars who hang out there but my absolute favourite is the "80's Fun Music" room where I have unpacked my entire repertoire and am still not bored.

Sadly like all things internetty, I don't think the site will be free for much longer and I can see the day soon  when we have to buy credits and become paying customers. I mean hell, someone has to pay for the development and what a fine concept it is. I think it will be worth every cent.

To join the beta test, you need an invite from a Facebook friend already on the site. So go to and  click the Facebook login. The doors are shut from time to time but keep trying - it's worth the visit. Oh and it only works on Google Chrome so you will have to download and install that first.

I am rattling the windows right this minute to Bruce Hornsby & the Range..That's just the way it is. See you on the flipside.

1 comment:

  1. Turntable is now closed to anyone not living in the US of A. What a damn shame.
