"It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good"
And I am, very.
2012 is a year if so much promise, so much mysticism - every date thus far has held some numerological wonder.. 01.01.2012, and 02.01.2012...and that's just for starters.
There is talk aplenty and Hollywood speculation about this year. The Mayan's for one were emphatic that this is it, the year of the end. Christian fundamentalists (bar a few false starts in 2011) are waxing rapturous about 2012 and many many clever people are speculative as to what this "End of Days" is actually all about.
Of course the Mayan's could have just run out of space on the tablet of stone but all evidence is pointing toward some monumental shift, some spiritual about turn, some cataclysmic world event.
I for one, have believed for a while now that Revelatory events have been evident for quite some time. This is echoed by not a few very clever bods world over in one way or another. Just this morning I read my dear friend JP's contribution to the mindset (see Confused of Calcutta) of radical change. He chose to quote Crosby Still and Nash (I would expect nothing less of JP) but he could quite have easily quoted the same sentiment from the writings of Socrates through Steve Jobs frolicking as he might in between in the Bible, the Gnostic texts, the Koran, any Eastern philosophy and even the Kama Sutra.
2012 is an overcoming of darkness with the Light in my opinion. From the perspective of Biblical writings one aspect is amply evident... the flack the 99% are levelling at Banks. As a debt counsellor I could draw on Biblical prophesy until I am blue in the face as to the havoc that is unleashed on ordinary people by mercurial greed of retail banking. As a feisty debt counsellor I can tell you that the resistance from these banks to change and financial freedom is astounding. I expect to be served with a writ in the next few weeks in an attempt to shut me up on the subject, but that's another story.
Lets focus on just this aspect for just a minute. The Christians call it Mammon. The Bible warns thoroughly that one cannot worship Mammon and God. It is one of the reasons why I stopped going to church (lower case intentional). There is not one, you see, that doesn't intertwine physical wealth with the love of God. Self proclaiming, self designed and thoroughly misleading, there is this mistaken belief that God is some benevolent giver of things which is wholly untrue. If we tithe, chant, babble in tongues, charm snakes and dance and sing en masse, God will enrich us. In my not limited experience, I have never met so many debtors congregated in one space before as in a church. The Prosperity Pulpit has a lot to answer for. Lets not talk about the Vatican.
As an aside, did you know that there was in 2011 a fabulous side industry to the Rapture That Never Was (oops). In the US of A, you could pay, in advance, in crisp greenbacks, a firm that would come to your house post-Rapture and collect your abandoned animals. I kid you not.
Anyway, I digress. My belief, shared by many in various different shapes and guises, is that 2012 is about enlightenment, get it? A diametric shift away from Mammon and a levelling. globally. It's already happening. Universal currency is weakening (Euro) and in some places crashing entirely (Greece). The almighty dollar (in which so many Trust) is farcically fragile. Cataclysmic events (earthquakes, floods, eruptions, famine) force us to rethink our mortality (or immortality as the case may be). The Arab Renaissance along with a groundswell of resistance to despotism, puts the voice with the people, the meek (Matthew 5.5 for the Bible readers)... see where I am going?
It really doesn't matter what your religious persuasion is; religion is dogma - Marx (and the Marquis de Sade who coined the phrase first, incredibly enough) was right. My best friend Corinne worships God incarnate, and follows a living Master. She is Santmat and she has a hugely valid and undeniable point. Trust me, I have tried to deconstruct her belief system and failed for a number of years now. My friend Mark has eschewed mainstream Christian dogma and evangelises in Israel. A man I know, eschewed mainstream Jewish dogma and evangelises worldwide as a Christ loving Jew. They refuse to be defined or boxed. They are vagabonds.
For myself, I am in love with God, totally and completely, indefinably, heathenly, wantonly. My walk takes me to briny places steeped in lore, criss crossed with truth and lies. My walk calls for open mindedness, alertness, a third eye, a brave heart, discernment. I love Jesus equally, Jesus being God made man. That's my view. There is room for more, plenty more, and my life is consequently called to service. Jesus never was in church. He was in the gutter, the brothels, the underbelly. He was not lily livered; He had a temper to equal his Father. He was the ultimate outlaw. For that fact alone, I will stand on a street corner and proselytise. For this, I am a vagabond.
The only question to ask yourself for 2012 is where are you spiritually? What will you stand and stand up for? What will your contribution to Enlightenment be? Because it's happening whether you like it or not. What will you stick your faith to friend, because you are going to need to stick it to something thoroughly or be thoroughly stuck in return.
Bring it on.